🧿 The name's Eddie, the resident classic hard rock nerdlord. Ranting is my business and business is good
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Age 30

Artist and writer

AU City

Joined on 4/13/09

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LiliumDanceOfLies's News

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - July 22nd, 2013

Why do people bitch at me over a simple question? Seriously, all I did was ask a simple, straightforward question. The response is just loaded with attitude that was uncalled for. If I ask a question, no attitude or anything, just curiosity, I expect a genuine answer, not a bitchfest

Apparently everyone I live with has decided that every innocent question I ask deserves a rude reply. Godsdamn, sorry I fucking asked

This just furthers my reasoning for wanting to fake my death or run away someplace and just start a new life. I want out of this damn house

- Lilium

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - July 11th, 2013

I honestly cannot stand when people decide to ask extremely personal questions and claim that they 'need to know'. I would understand them asking if they are truly concerned about me in a caring matter. However, asking these questions and only saying that you 'need to know' is not going to get you an answer

You do not need to know nor do you have the right to know. That is prying into personal information that I have a right to keep private. I don't care ultimately what your reasons are. I will withhold certain information until I feel comfortable letting you know. Otherwise, tough. You're not going to know, whether you like it or not

Also, questioning me like I'm a suspect in a murder case [yeah, bad analogy, but that's how it feels] is also not going to get you anywhere, cos quite frankly, I can't be fucked to care. Stop interrogating me. I do not appreciate it

Anyone else know how I feel?

- Lilium

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - July 3rd, 2013

This isn't quite a rant, but more of stating something

Newgrounds is a place that is basically user made. The entire site runs on flash games/movies, audio posts, and various pieces of art [which reminds me, I still haven't been scouted yet asldjfls my art is kinda subpar anyway, but I take pride in it] submitted by the users of Newgrounds. I have made accounts on several different kinds of sites, namely MySpace, Facebook, deviantArt, Tumblr, and of course, here on Newgrounds. Looking back on everything I've done on the Internet and how much my family interacts with social media, I've come to realise that Newgrounds is really the only place left [aside from a submission-based rant blog I made on Tumblr] where I can really voice how I feel. I don't really use MySpace anymore, deviantArt is just art, my sister has a Tumblr and -constantly- watches what I post, which angers me, and everybody and their mother is on Facebook. No one I personally know really takes any interest in Newgrounds. In fact, I don't even think they know, or remember, that Newgrounds even exists. This actually makes me happy, cos not only can I catch up on what I've missed here, no one is going to see what I post in my news aside from the few people that actually check out my profile here. Go me?

That being said, I could probably move away, cut all ties to family and other people, and start a whole new life and keep everyone updated here. I could move to England and see my friend's band perform, or to Canada and live near the 11 Drunk Guys [HOLD SHIFT], or to any place outside of this country, cos quite frankly, I'm really getting sick of living in this country with the way our government is

I feel sneaky with Newgrounds >=D

- Lilium

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - February 10th, 2012

This isn't a rant, just my feelings on Newgrounds redesigning their shit.

All in all, I gotta say it's pretty neat. Great appearance, awesome new emotes. But like with all site redesigns across the Interwebs (e.g. MySpace, Facebook, Tumblr), there's slight problems in navigation. Of course, after some time of fiddling around with it, people begin to get used to it. Although I can never get used to all the MySpace updates whenever the hell I actually get on, and Facebook is just a tard, Tumblr was a little easy to get used to when they came out with the new dashboard, so hopefully, I'll be able to find my way around the new and improved Newgrounds.

And also, why no headers anymore!? I liked my header ;--------;

Anyone with thoughts?

- Lilium

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 23rd, 2011

My tenth rant! Enjoy.

Why do people ask the most ridiculous questions? Especially questions that are too obviously answered, yet they ask the f*cking questions anyway. I'm sitting in a classroom, for reference, everyone pulls out their work except me, since I don't have mine, and the teacher is stupid enough to ask where my work is. Dumb*ss, I don't f*cking have it, can you not see that? Are you blind?! Don't ask me a stupid question because you will get a stupid answer in reply. "Where's your work?" "Oh, I don't know, my dog ate it." Yeah, get the point? Another example: People ask me what I think of a movie when it's oh, so obvious that I either liked it, didn't like it, or haven't seen it al att. Deaf, dumb, and blind idiots. While we're on the subject of stupid people, what is with these j*ckoffs thinking they know how something should go when they so clearly don't. "Oh, we just do this, then this, and all that jazz." That shows me that you know jack sh*t. All of these retards need to just stop. Instead of asking idiotic questions, having stupid as all hell arguments, and claiming you know everything, why don't you do the world a favor and use your godd*amn brain, if you even have one. Fail to do so and every smart person here has the right to slap you silly. Simple as that, stupid b*stards.

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - July 8th, 2011

I would like to dedicate the following rant to Joe Elliott and the Def Leppard family. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Recently, I have heard that Joe Elliott's father passed away earlier today after a lengthy illness. So, with Rick Allen having a Facebook page and a lot of people sending their condolences for Joe there, I decided to send mine as well. Now, out of shear boredom, I scroll through to see previous posts from yesterday and so forth and this one post I saw just about drove me up the wall and that is what this rant is about today. This b*tch had the audacity to say that it was the third time they'd bought tickets to one of their shows and the show was cancelled. Well, sh*t, excuse them for putting family first! You'd put something off too if someone in your family was sick. For f*ck's sake, they're only human! They would rather be playing shows than having a family member die, but that's the way this b*tch called life is, and you're complaining about them cancelling shows!? You heartless b*stard. I've had family members pass away and I've put other things on hold to deal with the loss. Christ, school is nice enough to let you off a week for grieving. It's f*cking hard on others to hold off on things for family reasons. People would rather not miss work, bands would rather not cancel tour dates, but they have to. We all take time off work and school if our loved ones are ill and need us. That's all Joe is doing, d*mmit! Family comes first. Always. You boys take all the time you need. Your true fans will wait patiently.

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - March 28th, 2010

Been forever since a rant has been posted, so here!


Who doesn't love to read every now and then? Sure, some books are boring and some are great. Now, what I don't get is why people take a great masterpiece of literature, like The Shawshank Redemption, and f**king destroy it!? I can't really understand why people write on, tear up, and damage books. Could it be that they are "rebeling against the system?" Who knows, who f**kin' cares. If you're rebeling against the system, good for you, but don't take a book and do all kinds of s**t to it! Don't you realize that people actually read this stuff!? I mean, come on, books are in all types of styles, genres, etc., but why take one and burn it, or write on it? There's a reason why libraries put a fine on books if you deface them! It's just so that the good books can still be read! Every time I pick up a book and see it's defaced in any way, I tell librarians about the damage and hunt down the last person who had it and confront them about the damage they inflicted on that book. What is so d*mn hard about keeping up with a book and NOT damaging it? It's really good literature! Read it, you big fat tub of lard, before you damage someone's hard work! *ssholes!

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - October 15th, 2009

A special Halloween rant for those who love Halloween and are going trick-or-treating this year.


I love Halloween. It gives the American people the freedom to dress up in an insane or weird costume. But I have noticed something that is honestly starting to creep me out and piss me off: the older a person (most of the time, a girl) gets, the sluttier their costumes are. I remember a friend of mine dressed up as Scooby Doo for Halloween back in '97. Last year, I saw the same friend dressed up as a real explicit Catwoman. What the f*ck. That's what's going on in these people's minds!!! So I'm dressing up as the girl version of Angus Young, school suit and everything, guitar included. Does this make me a slut by dressing as a schoolgirl guitarist? Not in my opinion. I'm doing this for the good ol' Halloween tradition, make my love of AC/DC known, and for the old time sake of getting free candy! There is a fine line between the schoolgirl who just wants some f*cking candy by the end of the night so she will not have to go to school on Monday and the schoolgirl who is willing to rearrange her clothes in a slutty proportion just so they can get a guy and get laid. Ain't gonna happen. Good sh*t , people, stop being so stupid! Sheez!

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - September 8th, 2009

Been a while since I've been on. Homework and sh*t like that, but I got some time for this, so, here you go! Enjoy!

I just don't get this. Why is it that forwarded text messages are making their way to MySpace!? This is SO f*ckin' ridiculous! On the app, Bumper Stickers, you can comment on the stickers that you see. For some dumb*ss reason, people are starting to put forwarding texts in their comments! It is annoying, people! And I feel very sorry for those that have to keep on saying that, "THE MESSAGES THAT SAY YOU WILL BE KISSED OR LOVED WILL NOT WORK!" How can people be so d*mn stupid!? This is why whenever I get one of those texts and/or messages, I completely disregard them. Now, if some of this stuff said, "FORWARD TO FIGHT BREAST CANCER!" or some sh*t like that, I would, for two reasons: One, I could be able to forward them for a good cause, most likely VIA TEXT. And two, one of my family members, unfortunately, has breast cancer. But those other things like, "FORWARD TO SO-AND-SO MANY PEOPLE IF YOU blah blah blah OR YOU WILL BE CURSED" THAT SH*T IS ANNOYING! Nobody really needs to see this annoying cr*p on MySpace. It's bad enough that these j*ckoffs are doing this via text! So, for those gullible idiots (By the way, gullible is what a person is if they are easily fooled. They basically believe everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING, they hear, see, and are told,) that keep forwarding this stuff, you will not be kissed Friday night, your crush (Who I'm pretty sure hates your guts,) will not fall in love with your ugly *ss, and there will be no miracle in the next thirty minutes. Don't believe everything you're told. Gullible f*cktards!

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - July 20th, 2009

Been awhile since the last rant, but here it is!


This really irks me. I honestly don't see why everyone nowadays is trying to be popular and/or famous. What's the f*ckin' deal!? People think that they can be more popular and hang with the ever-infamous "in crowd" if they do and/or say something just to be popular! Like the preps, for example. Preps seem to only like things like stylish clothes and hip-hop music and Twilight -- Good God, don't get me started on Twilight! No offense to those who like it, but it is the crappiest movie I have EVER seen, bar none! If I was approached by a prep or a popular person saying, "You'll never be cool looking like THAT!" or "You need to think like WE do" or something along those lines, I would say, "You know what? F*ck you. I don't care if I'm popular of not. I'll do what I want, I'll say what I want, and I'll wear what I want. That's that. I am just a simple Louisiana redneck. And to quote Jeff Foxworthy, 'We rednecks don't wear stuff 'cause it's the latest style; we wear stuff because it's comfortable, and if you can't look at it and keep your lunch down, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!'" Then as I would walk away from said person, I would stop, turn around and say, "By the way, Twilight sucks *ss." I would leave it at that and keep walkin'. I just wish that people would stop going above and beyond to be popular and just be yourselves! I mean, seriously, we do not need all these drama queens and kings walking around on the planet! And trust me when I say this: I would rather take a beating with a brick stick and be a retard for the rest of my life than strive my *ss off to be a frickin' popular anorexic bimbo! UGH! If, to be yourself, it means getting a very sh*tty haircut, wearing tattered clothing, or gain about 20-30 pounds, then so be it! Just be yourselves!