🧿 The name's Eddie, the resident classic hard rock nerdlord. Ranting is my business and business is good
Agender, she/they
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Age 30

Artist and writer

AU City

Joined on 4/13/09

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LiliumDanceOfLies's News

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - September 12th, 2020

I really hate it when I go on Tumblr to stock up my queue and reblog some random shit when all of a sudden I come across massive drama happening in a fandom I've been a part of for a very long time. It reminds me why I don't interact with fandoms anymore, regardless of how dedicated I am

Dude, I'm only here to share my art, fics, and reblog GIFsets and hype other artists. I'm not here for this drama and controversy. I don't want any part of that. The part that really sucks is that I follow certain blogs for the aforementioned content and end up with a load of drama on my dash, and it's tempting to put in my two cents, but I refrain from doing so and in the end I've made the right decision to keep quiet and find something else to do until everything dies down

The thing is, it ultimately doesn't matter which side of the argument I'd be on. I'm still gonna be considered "in the wrong" by the other side and both sides will have a massive screaming match all over my feed. It's why I don't explicitly state which side I'm on unless it's a massive social issue and/or no-brainer. Anything else, I largely keep my mouth shut. Yeah, there's likely to be posts on my blog and things on other sites I frequent that imply where I stand, but I'm not going to let my blog become a drama hub by making it obvious

And when it comes down to it, I know there's going to be people that don't like me for X reason here. If people choose to unfollow/block me cos I "don't agree with their views" or post a lot about something they don't like or some shit, just fucking do it and don't make such a fuss about it. If you absolutely feel the need to tell me why you believe I'm on the wrong side or whatever, be polite. It costs literally nothing to be nice to people, even those you disagree with. It doesn't guarantee a response, especially if anonymous, but at least I'll see it [probably, that ask-eating glitch is pretty much the bane of my existence on Tumblr]. You don't see me going on to others' blogs and flaming up a storm, so don't come to mine and be a dickhole. That shouldn't be so much to ask. Then we go back to what we do best. You live your life your way and I live my life mine


Don't get me wrong, I like being a part of fandoms, I do. Interacting with them, not so much

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - September 6th, 2020

So my Internet decided to take the most massive shit ever and I only just now got it back. In case anyone was wondering why I disappeared for several days


Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 29th, 2020


Gets a chair flung at me while someone yells "THIS AIN'T NEW YORK YOU SOUTHERN TWATBUCKET!"

Also I'm doing new art finally. Nothing says productive hours like a hurricane apparently


Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 27th, 2020

Laura is making Rita look like a goddamn joke

Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 26th, 2020

Me looking at all the people bitching about illwillpress reuploads like


I understand people are pissed, but it gets real tiring real fast. And yeah, my favourites kinda speak for themselves about where I stand on the matter, but this is just me yelling into the void. I mean, that's really all my news posts are for anyway, and I ain't dumb enough to post this in the forums. I just want to go into the forums to have fun, not get dragged into debates and salt mine threads

That's it for this post, just me ranting in relative privacy


Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 24th, 2020


We might luck out with Marco but Laura's looking to fuck us up the ass with no lube

Welcome to Louisiana



Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - August 22nd, 2020




Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - June 20th, 2020

After some deliberation, I decided I'll be resuming posting art on Newgrounds, but it will only be some favourites and more recent pieces instead of everything I've ever done cos fuck sake, I don't have the patience to cross-post that much art and believe me, some of the older shit is pretty bad. Maybe for a cringe day, I dunno. Likely not

Here's where all art will be posted. I might take suggestions for cross-posting if someone asks nicely

Here's my art tag on Tumblr. Includes WIPs!


Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - June 16th, 2020

Surprisingly I'm not dead. Just been busy elsewhere on the Internet. I kinda miss being here, but hell almighty that was a chaotic time, especially my early years here. Those old rants also show their age quite a bit, but hey, ranting is my business and business is good.

It's been a bit of a trip the past 24 or so hours after getting back into my account. I've rediscovered some old favourites, been reminded some of my older, shittier art exists here, and some old music tracks, and some old BBS posts that um... Well, I was younger then, and this is now. I haven't had much time to look at anything new, but it's something I plan to do at some point in the near future, provided I actually remember to do so

Getting reacquainted with Newgrounds should be interesting


Posted by LiliumDanceOfLies - September 6th, 2013

Lately I've been getting into the Amnesia games [I'm too scared to play them myself, but I've watched other people playing] and have scoured deviantArt and found really great and interesting works of art. I even made my own Amnesia fanart, which I may post later. There was something I came across, however, that needs a little explaining

I found a fanart piece of a character named Daniel who looked a shit ton like Daniel from Amnesia, but despite the same name and similar appearance, this other Daniel is a completely different character of someone else's making for a novel and has a last name. Naturally, I was all 'HOLY CRAP THERE MAY BE TWO OF THEM!' cos come on, two Daniels? Fuck yes

After a little searching, I found this other Daniel's creator on dA and messaged them about the similarities and my confusion when it came to favouriting the art pieces. All I said was that I was confused and curious that his character looked very similar. I even mentioned Amnesia in the message. Just a little 'Hey, I noticed this. Pretty neat, no? Totally got tripped up with the fandoms XD' message. The author messaged me back, saying that they had received other messages like mine and considers them spam. They went on to say that they did not even know what Amnesia was, and that their character, while not 100% original, is an original character that has not infringed on copyrighted works and to not message them again about character similarities, but to talk to their agent about it

What the hell? I never mentioned anything about copyright infringement. I only said something cos I figured it was pretty cool. I mean, who wouldn't? I understand that getting relatively the same message from other people would be a bit frustrating. I've been there. But the overall tone of the message sounded rather rude and it really was uncalled for. They could've worded it a little differently and a little gentler. Just because you're a published author and whatnot does not give you the right to respond to messages like a jackass

That's not all. They had a favourites folder for their Daniel and in there, there were four, I repeat four, fanart pieces that depicted their Daniel and Daniel from Amnesia, which means I'm not the only one who saw this similarity and found it awesome. And one of them, the author commented thanking the poster of one of the pieces for showing them videos of the game. And they told me they'd never heard of Amnesia. I call bullshit. That and if they really didn't know and got so many messages about it, you'd think they'd do their fucking research to find out why

It's people like them with that attitude that piss me off. Stop being an asshole

/end rant

- Lilium